The Fun
The Unabridged KOALA-T Dictionary
KOALA-T® | the very best, degree of excellence, as a material of fine KOALA-T; and a swell guy |
KOALAfications | the act of proving oneself fit or worthy, KOALAfications denote state of being fit; as in what are your KOALAfications |
KOALAfied | fit, suitable- a state achieved when you become friends with KOALA-T |
1st KOALA-T | the top of the line; to be free of defects, the very beginning of the KOALA-T family |
KOALA-TV | the set watched by KOALA-T and friends |
KOALA-vision | special programming provided for all KOALA's away from home; special viewing power for KOALA-T family |
KOALA-gram | a message from one KOALA to another |
KOALA-phone | an instrument that reproduces sounds, especially speech, at a distant point by means of electricity |
KOALA scope | a scope for KOALA's |
KOALA-fy | to be fit or to prove one's fitness for any particular service, office, or employment; to make limiting statements or restricting condition about; to describe, limit, or modify, as an adjective KOALAfies a noun |
'to KOALA-it quits' | to stop, to end, to walk out |
disKOALAfied | to deprive of essential KOALAfications, to render unsuitable; to deprive of some priviledge; to be banned from the KOALA-T family |
unKOALAfied | without the KOALAfications necessary; without reservations, as unKOALAfied approval; to fall out of favor with KOALA-T |
KOALA bears | Australia's cuddliest natives, the KOALA (phascolarctos cinereus) a Marsupial, grows to a length of 75cm and lives on a special diet of approx. 12 different kinds of eucalyptus leaves. He was once hunted for his fur until almost extinct. His tranquil, cuddly appearance make him irrestible to everyone, and KOALAfies him for a beautiful friend. |